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Old October 10, 2011, 07:59 AM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
AngelicaDeAlquezar is on a distinguished road
@Glen: "Ser un provocador" means you are the one who makes people react (or overreact) negatively.
"Tener un poco de complejo" sounds awkward for a Mexican ear. We'd say "estar (un poco) acomplejado" or "tener algunos / unos cuantos complejos".

A Mexican would also say about someone who is easily offended or touchy (because of their complexes or because they feel always attacked or so) that he/she is "muy susceptible".

Juan es muy susceptible. No quiero decirle que puso una fecha equivocada en el documento, porque va a hacer un pleito.
Juan is too touchy. I don't want to tell him he wrote a wrong date in the paper, because he'll start a fight.

Te advierto que soy muy susceptible, así que no hagas comentarios negativos sobre mi trabajo.
I warn you I'm very touchy, so you better don't make negative remarks on my work.

María está acomplejada por gorda. Le dije que su falda estaba muy bonita y se fue corriendo a cambiársela porque dijo que estaba muy apretada.
María has a complex about being fat. I told her that her skirt was pretty and she rushed to change it saying it was too tight.

Pedro dice que estoy muy acomplejada porque no me gusta ir a fiestas.
Pedro says I have some complex because I don't like going to parties.

Tienes complejo de inferioridad. Siempre crees que la gente te desprecia.
You have an inferiority complex. You always think people despises you.
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