Thread: Hospital
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Old May 27, 2014, 11:23 AM
jellybabe jellybabe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 304
jellybabe is on a distinguished road

¿Cómo se dice...?

"The stupid/ridiculous thing was that I had to get already for the test, with the hospital gown on and lie on a bed ages before they did the test. Instead of being able to wait with Adrian and chat to him, I had to got to another room and just lie in bed waiting with nothing to do. There are were other people in the same room in beds waiting to go the surgery or waiting for the same test that I was waiting for. I spent 2 hours there for a test that took 15 minutes."

"Lo estupido/ridículo era que tuviera que arreglarme para estar liso para la prueba, vestida con la bata del hospital y tumbaba en una cama mucho tiempo antes de que me hicieran la prueba. En vez de poder esperar con Adrian y charlar con el, tenía que ir a otra sala y tumbarme en un cama sin nada que hacer. Había otra gente en la misma sala en camas esperando a ir al quirófano o esperando la misma prueba que yo estaba esperando. Pasé dos horas allí para una prueba que solo tardó 15 minutos."
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