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Old July 17, 2006, 04:51 PM
pescamos pescamos is offline
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hola amigos,

otra pregunta para ti,

again it is probably beneath you "experts" on this forum,

its about redundancy of words ie:-

I gave the book to Joanne
cual es correcto:-

Le di el libro a Joanne
di el libro a Joanne

un saludo,

ps. anyone fancy trying to answer my other post in the vocab section please?

para vivir, hay que pescar con la mosca
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Old July 18, 2006, 07:15 AM
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Re: redundancy

(Yo) le dí el libro a Joanne.

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Old July 18, 2006, 10:42 AM
pescamos pescamos is offline
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Re: redundancy

thanks for your replies sosia,

Even though i am explicitly naming the person to be given the book and not wanting to use an indirect object pronoun?, I still have to use Le?

un saludo,
para vivir, hay que pescar con la mosca
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Old July 19, 2006, 07:26 AM
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Re: redundancy

Even though.
¿Le diste el libro a Joanne?
Si, (yo) se lo dí or Si, yo se lo dí a Joanne or Si, yo le dí el libro a Joanne

Le dí la enhorabuena a Jorge.
Le dí una indicación al turista.
Le dí un buen consejo a un amigo.

I don't have time for a proper answer, Tomissimo or antbueno?
History, contrary to popular theories, "is" kings and dates and battles.
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Old July 22, 2006, 06:46 AM
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Re: redundancy

I don't know if I always have good explainations (thanks for the vote of confidence sosia), but yes, you always have to use "le", but you can add "a alguien" if necessary for clarification.

Le di el libro.
Se lo di.

These could be:

I gave you/him/her the book.
I gave it to you/him/her.

So, if you want to clarify exactly who you're giving the book to you can add the "a alguien" (if it's not already known).

Le di el libro a él/ella/usted/Joanne/Frank/Bob/Pancracio.
Se lo di a él/ella/usted/Joanne/Frank/Bob/Pancracio.

Does that make sense?
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Old January 19, 2007, 04:41 PM
pescamos pescamos is offline
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Re: redundancy

Hi all,

I know this post has been closed for a while now, but I saw this headline on the web site today:

El líder opositor Teodoro Petkoff dice a la BBC que harán todo lo posible para frenar los poderes especiales que pide Chávez.

Should it have read "le dice"?

gracias por ayudarme otra vez,
para vivir, hay que pescar con la mosca
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Old January 19, 2007, 09:31 PM
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Re: redundancy

I'd vote for "le dice". It sounds better to my ears, but then again I'm not native. But also, if it's a headline, you usually leave out some words to make it shorter (just like you do in English). So if it's a headline, I think it's fine, but in normal speech/writing, it'd have to be "le dice".

Let's see what the native speakers think.
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Old January 22, 2007, 07:23 AM
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Re: redundancy

Hi all,
This is a special case. When you're speaking to a media (wich is not a Person), "le" it's not so relevant, because you are literary transmitting the phrases, and it's more direct.
"El líder opositor Teodoro Petkoff dice que harán todo lo posible para frenar los poderes especiales que pide Chávez"
"El líder opositor Teodoro Petkoff dice a la BBC que harán todo lo posible para frenar los poderes especiales que pide Chávez"

You're only using BBC in order to say the origin (a proper media). You're not focusing/interested in the person ("alguien"), the reporter with the microphone. BBC becomes an abstract thing.

So you can say both (usually without le):
El líder opositor Teodoro Petkoff (le) dijo (a la BBC) que harán todo lo posible para frenar los poderes especiales que pide Chávez.
El líder opositor Teodoro Petkoff (le) comentó (a la BBC) que harán todo lo posible para frenar los poderes especiales que pide Chávez.

El líder opositor Teodoro Petkoff declaró/anunció (a la BBC) que harán todo lo posible para frenar los poderes especiales que pide Chávez.
"declarar" (declare/state/testify) usually comes without "le" because it implies saying to somebody.
"El hombre declaró su incapacidad para casarse"
"El juez declaró inocentes a los detenidos"

When you're speaking to a media, you usually avoid the "le", but its no fault using it.
You're only transmiting phrases, the media it's not involved in the action.

If you want to personalice the media, you must use "le". It becomes a person.
El líder opositor Teodoro Petkoff le dijo al reportero Petersen de la BBC que harán todo lo posible para frenar los poderes especiales que pide Chávez. (Here not using "le" it's an error)

Hope it helps

History, contrary to popular theories, "is" kings and dates and battles.
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