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Hello! I want a lyric from a song.


Practica el inglés o el español aquí. Toda respuesta a un hilo debe ser en el mismo idioma que el primer mensaje.

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Antiguo October 08, 2015, 01:51 AM
Chocolate fairy Chocolate fairy no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Oct 2015
Mensajes: 1
Chocolate fairy is on a distinguished road
Unhappy Hello! I want a lyric from a song.

Hello everyone!! How are you?

I´m from Mexico city. Excuse me, Can somebody take from 5 to 10 min. to help me? PLEASE! There is a song (and video) without lyric on internet, I can not find it. So I was listening that song for... I don´t know, some minutes... and I tried to g e t the song (lyric) but I CAN´T understand all!!

Please, please!! Help me!!

This is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=5&v=5ocdSANOgsA This song is new. Name: Live together by AJ McLean and Jordan...

And this is my try...

I've been through the fire (praying?) __ took my __ I am living __ I need to be safe I show save my self, we should all live together __ time I see so much haters we should taken __ break from __ ___ we need to be safe cuz you __ / You got it now we __ pieces everyone __ sometime I don´t believe it the racist still exis _____ twenty __ looking for justice and we waiting people still kiling ______ each other over ___ hoppless -_ jail__ just take __ its looking __



See (read) you soon.

Chocolate fairy.

P.S. Feel free to correct my mistakes.
Responder Con Cita
Antiguo November 01, 2015, 08:36 PM
ctilbrook ctilbrook no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Oct 2015
Ubicación: England
Mensajes: 9
Primera Lengua: English
ctilbrook is on a distinguished road
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lyric, song


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