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Sweating bulletsUn modismo es cualquier frase cuya significado no es fácil de entender basándose en sus palabras individuales. Este foro es el lugar para cualquier pregunta sobre modismos o cualquier otro dicho. |
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Sweating bullets
You can hear this on a Megadeth song with the same title.
Do you think " Sudando como un pollo" o " Sudando a chorros" is OK for an English translation ? Thanks in advance !! |
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"Sweating bullets" is to feel agitated or worried about a situation when all you can do is wait for the situation to resolve itself because there is nothing you can do to influence the outcome. An example from urbandictionary.com is "I started sweating bullets when my wife found my porno collection." |
Elaina All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney |
Estar como pavo el día antes de Gracias (esperando que caiga el hacha)[versión adaptada para estadounidenses]
Sorry, no English spell-checker |
to be a cooked goose. Un dicho relacionado es to have the sword of Damocles over one's head.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias. |
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