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Imaginación calenturientaUn modismo es cualquier frase cuya significado no es fácil de entender basándose en sus palabras individuales. Este foro es el lugar para cualquier pregunta sobre modismos o cualquier otro dicho. |
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Feverish like delusions and hallucinations perhaps. In my opinion fevered imagination is like a person thinking of his/her greatest fantasies.
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I say this, because most of the time "fantasy" is associated with something nice, in this context. |
In Spain , this will be understood as "someone who is always thinking of sex" ,
Maybe a "Horny imagination" is ok for an English transation ?? |
'Lustful imagination' could be one way to say it in English.
Fantasies, like Chileno said, can be good (the kind that children have, and some adults ), but the majority of the time the word is tied to lustful thoughts. |
In Mexico, lust is not necessarily involved, and it's used the way Alec has described it.
♪ ♫ ♪ Ain't it wonderful to be alive when the Rock'n'Roll plays... ♪ ♫ ♪ |
You can say that. You can also say a horn dog.
Me ayuda si corrige mis errores. Gracias. |
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