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Las Tareas


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Old November 18, 2008, 04:42 PM
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Question Las Tareas

Homework #1
pg. 114 - 115 in el libro
¿Qué haces cuando estás enfermo(a)? ¿Llamas al médico? ¿Tomas medicina que te receta el médico?
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Look at the photos (in the book so you can't see them - the photo Curandera (1989), Carmen Lomas Garza (showing a young girl in bed with a woman beside her, holding leaves, and the photo with the caption Esta médica española le examina la presión arterial a la joven. What two kinds of health care are represented here? Why might someone who is sick sometimes choose one kind of health care abd sometimes another?

Imagine that you aren't feeling well. Your mother talks to some older women she knows, but they can't agree on what your illness is or how to treat it.

There is a woman in your community who is not a doctor but who is known to be able to help people who are sick. You go see her. She asks about your symptoms and your recent activities. She may prescribe massage, chamomile tea or some other type of herbal drink, or a mustard plaster. You do what she recommends, and soon you feel better.

Members of many ethnic groups treat an illness in this way. They may consult a doctor, or they may decide the illness can be more easily cured by consulting a folk healer.

Please check if my answers are O.K.
1. Why might someone choose to go to a folk healer instead of a doctor? A folk healer might know more about the medicine you should take for an illness than a doctor.
2. If you were living in a Spanish-speaking country and your friends and neighbors went to folk healers, would you do the same? Why or why not? I would go to a doctor because a doctor knows what illness you have and what you should do to get better.

Homework #2
pg. 127, 129 #2, 5
Check for errors.

a. --¿Duermen bien Carolina y Lupe?
--No, duermen mal porque tienen dolor de oídos.

b. --¿Duerme bien Marco?
--No, duerme mal porque tiene un resfriado.

c. --¿Duermen bien Raúl y Víctor?
--No, duermen mal porque tienen dolor de muelas.

d. --¿Duermes bien?
--No, duermo mal porque tengo dolor de estómago.

e. --¿Duermen bien Uds.?
--No, dormimos mal porque tenemos fiebre.

a. --Veo que Elena no juga basquetból.
--No, creo que le duelen los brazos.

b. --Veo que Rafa no juga béisbol.
--No, creo que le duelen las piernas.

c. --Veo que Alicia no patina.
--No, creo que le duelen los pies.

d. --Veo que Arturo no toca la guitarra.
--No, creo que le duelen los dedos.

e. --Veo que Miguel no dibuja.
--No, creo que le duelen las manos.

f. --Veo que Diana no corta el césped.
--No, creo que tiene dolor de estómago.

Homework #3
pg. 98-99
Check for any mistakes, por favor.

pg. 98 USING VERB dormir (and conjugating it)
1. --¿Cómo ___duermen___________ Ana y Luisa?
--Ana y Luisa __duermen________ mal porque ____tienen dolor de estómago_______.
2. --¿Cómo __duermes__________ tú?
--Yo ___duermo___________ mal porque __tengo fiebre________.
3. --¿Cómo ___duermen______________ Uds.?
--Nosotros __dormimos________________ mal porque ___tenemos dolor de muelas______________.
4. --¿Cómo __duerme________________ Rosa?
--Ella _____duerme_____________ mal porque ______tiene dolor de cabeza___.
5. --¿Cómo __duerme_________________ Ud., señor Pérez?
--Yo _______duermo____________ mal porque __tengo calor____.

1. --¿Por qué no comes?
--Por que __me___ duele el estómago.

2. --¿Por qué no estudia Margarita?
--Porque __le____ duele la cabeza.

3. --¿Por qué no hace Ud. ejercicio, señor?
--Porque ____me___ duele la espalda.

4. --¡Ay! Profesor Martí, no me siento bien.
--¿Qué ____te________ duele a ti?

5. --¿Cómo __te_ sientes tú, Alberto?
--Pues, ____me_____ lastimé el dedo y no puedo jugar.

1. --¿A Clara le gustaría jugar con nosotros?
--___No puede. Le duele la mano.____________.

2. --Me gustaría jugar con Uds., pero __me duele el cuello.____________.

I'm really sorry if it's a lot....just check for any errors. If there are any, tell me. You do not need to quote the whole thing.

Last edited by Jessica; November 18, 2008 at 07:13 PM.
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Old November 18, 2008, 09:06 PM
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everything i read is perfect , you did well. i think the wrong is me. because i can´t write the english well. but you´re doing your homework well. hola jeesica sakudos y besos.
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Old November 18, 2008, 09:09 PM
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ok thanks lee ying Just a note to Rusty and Crotalito please check it again before I hand them in. Thanks again lee ying!
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Old November 18, 2008, 09:13 PM
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Everything looks fine.
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Old November 18, 2008, 09:19 PM
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ok thanks
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Old November 18, 2008, 11:16 PM
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First, I leaving me give you the congratulation for you magnificent work, that you have made here in this post, I don't know as you have could to make that but, you have made very well almost every things in your homework only I tell you as a counsel, you don't use much the translate machine because you need to learn all the words in Spanish, yes it's good sometimes to use that but, I don't try to use much that. Well I found only two mistakes in your homework, then I will correct you now.

a. --Veo que Elena no juega basquetból. you wrote Juga and, it's correctly write Juega.
--No, creo que le duelen los brazos.
b. --Veo que Rafa no juega béisbol. you wrote Juga and, it's correctly write Juega.
--No, creo que le duelen las piernas.

Almost perfect.

Well done.
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Last edited by CrOtALiTo; November 18, 2008 at 11:19 PM.
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Old November 19, 2008, 06:22 AM
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isn't jugar conjugated to juga in a and b?
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Old November 19, 2008, 06:25 AM
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No, it's supposed to be juega. Jugar is irregular (u -> ue). I didn't think it was worth pointing it out when I checked your answers because these weren't in your answers, just in the questions.
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Old November 19, 2008, 06:43 AM
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ohh yeah oops. Thanks, Crotalito
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