Old August 31, 2013, 09:52 AM
Liquinn3 Liquinn3 is offline
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Going to Barcelona.

Hi all.

Going to Barcelona for 23 days in June 2014.

How can I make sure I make the most out of practicing my Spanish there?

How much writing should I do while I'm on holiday?

Any help much appreciated.

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Old August 31, 2013, 10:43 AM
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It's almost a year till then, you have plenty of time to learn. I see no reason why you should write while doing holiday but that's up to you.
I spent a week in Mexico and all I did was enjoying the weather and talking to locals. It's not the best way to learn a language but at least I had fun and learned a lot.
I'd be very thankful, if you'd correct my mistakes in English/Spanish.
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Old August 31, 2013, 11:13 AM
Liquinn3 Liquinn3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Premium View Post
It's almost a year till then, you have plenty of time to learn. I see no reason why you should write while doing holiday but that's up to you.
I spent a week in Mexico and all I did was enjoying the weather and talking to locals. It's not the best way to learn a language but at least I had fun and learned a lot.
I agree. Probably best off tking the chance in speaking it. Might do some writing in the past/future and present tense regarding the writing side.

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Old August 31, 2013, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Liquinn3 View Post
Hi all.

Going to Barcelona for 23 days in June 2014.

How can I make sure I make the most out of practicing my Spanish there?

How much writing should I do while I'm on holiday?

Any help much appreciated.

Hola amigo,

Viví y fui a la escuela en México e Italia. Lo que siempre he hecho era ir a donde los nativos están tratando de evitar las personas de habla inglesa. Siempre voy a los gimnasios, servicio de la iglesia, las bibliotecas, las reuniones de AA, dojos de artes marciales, partidos de fútbol en los parques, juegos de baloncesto si son hablantes nativos de allí, los parques en general, etc etc. En cualquier lugar donde se pueden encontrar los hablantes nativos. Es así de fácil. ¿Qué piensas de esto mi amiguito? Lo importante es evitar estar con gente que solo te van a hablar en inglés y tratar con gente que te habla en el español.
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Old October 11, 2013, 06:53 AM
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Barcelona (and all Cataluña) is bilingual and the principal language is Catalán, although obviously castellano is widely understood.

Catalanes are presently in a frantic frenzy of independence lunacy (they won't get it), but it's an obsession with them. The Catalán independence flag is everywhere you look.


(Also frequently with white star in blue triangle).

The official Catalan regional flag has four red stripes on plain gold background.
Me ayudaríais si me hicierais el favor de corregir mis errores.

Last edited by Sancho Panther; October 11, 2013 at 07:02 AM.
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Old October 16, 2013, 04:25 PM
Esppiral Esppiral is offline
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Hola, soy uno de esos lunáticos catalanes independentistas...

Que no, que no, que es broma.

No tendrás problemas para comunicarte en castellano aquí, además estamos muy acostumbrados al turismo, así que no te preocupes, que la gente hace el esfuerzo de entenderte y hacerse entender.

While staying here in Barcelona, just relax, enjoy the weather, talk as much as you can with everyone,(forget about writings) don't be shy, people won't laugh at you if your spanish is broken, we are used to receive visitors/tourists.

If you wish I can recommend you some really nice places to get fun and socialize with other poeple.
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