Old July 11, 2011, 07:37 AM
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Learning Spanish

I am a 38 years old italian man, I work in Rome as a software documentation writer and as an article writer, I have a slight physical disability. My main interests are travelling, languages and chess. During the last three years I improved my English a lot by writing very often to a friend, now I want to do the same with Spanish. At the present moment I understand it fairly well because Spanish and Italian are similar, but when I have to write something down it takes me time and vocabulary help. I can write you in Spanish, you can reply me in Spanish, English or Italian ... if you write me in Italian or English, I can correct your mistakes and suggest you the best way to express your thoughts. Now I will try to express the same in Spanish ...


yo soy un hombre italiano y tengo 38 anos, trabajo en Roma como redactor de la documentacion de software y redactor de articulos, tengo una leve discapacidad fisica. Mis principales intereses son trabajar, aprender lenguajes y ajedrez. Durante los ultimos tres anos yo he mejorado mucho mi ingles escribiendo a menudo a mi amiga, hora espero que hagan lo mismo con el espanol. Ahora entiendo muy bien espanol porque es similar a italiano, pero necesito tiempo y vocabulario para expresar mis ideas. Yo puedo escribirte en espanol, tu puede responder en espanol o inglès o italiano. Si tu me escribes en inglès o italiano, yo puedo corregir tus errores, y sugerirte la mejor manera de expresar tus ideas.


I guess I expressed myself better in English, by the way when I write in English I look at the vocabulary only occasionally, when I write in Spanish I use it for almost every word ...
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Old July 11, 2011, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by wayfarer View Post
I am a 38-years-old Italian man. I work in Rome as a software documentation writer and as an article writer. I have a slight physical disability. My main interests are travelling, languages and chess. During the last three years I improved my English a lot by writing very often to a friend. Now I want to do the same with Spanish. At the present moment, I understand it fairly well because Spanish and Italian are similar. But when I have to write something down it takes me time and I need vocabulary help. I can write to you in Spanish; you can reply to me in Spanish, English or Italian. If you write to me in Italian or English, I can correct your mistakes and suggest you the best way to express your thoughts. Now I will try to express the same in Spanish.


(yo) Soy un hombre italiano y tengo 38 años. Trabajo en Roma como redactor de la documentación de software y redactor de artículos. Tengo una leve discapacidad física. Mis principales intereses son trabajar, aprender lenguajes y el ajedrez. Durante los últimos tres años (yo) he mejorado mucho mi inglés escribiendo a menudo a mi amiga. Ahora espero hacer lo mismo con el español. Actualmente entiendo muy bien el español porque es similar al italiano, pero necesito tiempo y vocabulario para expresar mis ideas. (Yo) Puedo escribirte en español; (tú) puedes responder en español, o inglés o italiano. Si (tú) me escribes en inglés o italiano, (yo) puedo corregir tus errores, y sugerirte la mejor manera de expresar tus ideas.


I guess I expressed myself better in English. By the way, when I write in English I look at the dictionary only occasionally. When I write in Spanish, I use it for almost every word.
Welcome to the forums!! I hope you enjoy your stay and that you don't mind corrections.

Most of the corrections in your Spanish narrative were accent marks. There's an 'Accents' drop-down menu just above where you type. You can use it for all the special characters you'll use in Spanish.
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Old July 11, 2011, 04:00 PM
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Hola Rusty,
me vendrìa espontàneo responder en inglès, pero con mucha más fatiga, te respondo en español. Muchas gracias por las correciones, tu fuiste muy gentil. Yo sabia que palabras como "español", "años" se escriben con la "ñ", pero no sabia como hacerla aparecer. Ahora he aprendido. He aprendido también las normas de acentuaciòn, no son muy dificiles. Será mucho más dificil aprender a conjugar los verbos sin la ayuda de internet, por ahora uso esto sitio:

Last edited by Rusty; July 11, 2011 at 04:37 PM. Reason: removed link
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Old July 11, 2011, 04:50 PM
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Siempre se escribe la tilde con una marca que baja de derecha a izquierda (á, é, í, ó, ú).
Por ejemplo: vendría, inglés, difíciles
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Old July 12, 2011, 10:05 AM
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Hello I bid you welcome to these forums.

I can help you if you need to kind of help with your Spanish learning.

I wish you the best in your trip of this wonderful world of the learning it.

Best regards.
We are building the most important dare for my life and my family feature now we are installing new services in telecoms.
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Old July 12, 2011, 12:33 PM
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Muchas gracias George, yo puedo también ayudarte a mejorar tu inglés, por ejemplo según yo tus palabras suenan mejor asi


I can help you if you need some kind of help with your Spanish learning.

I wish you the best in your trip through the wonderful world of Spanish learning.
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Old July 12, 2011, 02:03 PM
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Thank you for the corrections.

I was wrong.
If you need some kind to help with the language, I will be cheerful to help you.
We are building the most important dare for my life and my family feature now we are installing new services in telecoms.
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Old July 20, 2011, 03:53 PM
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welcome to the forums
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