Thread: Sostener
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Old July 13, 2011, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by poli View Post
I hear agarrar.
Sorry Alec. Our responses crossed. I have never heard tener used this way, but clearly I'm not a native Spanish speaker. It's almost like tenere in Italian.

How would you say to have and to hold from this day forward as in wedding vows. Tener y agarrar sounds a little rough and tener y tener just sounds silly---maybe just tener?
I'm sure that is not used in the Spanish speaking world -excluding USA-, but I remember having heard " recibirla/lo y mantenerla/lo (or "conservarla/lo") desde hoy en adelante". In Spanish is more like "te recibo y acepto como mi legítima/o esposa/o, y prometo serte fiel siempre". In that sense, I think to hold is "tener por".

The vows are often translated as something like " Yo, XY, te acepto a ti, XX, como mi legítima esposa y prometo serte fiel tanto en la prosperidad como en la adversidad, en la riqueza como en la pobreza, en la salud como en la enfermedad, y amarte siempre y respetarte, hasta que la muerte nos separe"
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