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Difference between Mexican & Spanish


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Antiguo September 15, 2012, 04:31 PM
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Difference between Mexican & Spanish


I'm hoping people can settle an argument for me about the pronunciation of taco.

I maintain that the word is pronounced tah-koh both in Mexico and Spain, while my opponent insists that Spaniards, or at least some Spaniards, pronounce it tack-oh.

Can any Spaniards here tell me how they pronounce taco & if there are any variations in different regions of Spain.

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Antiguo September 15, 2012, 07:16 PM
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You are right - tah-koh is the correct pronunciation, everywhere.

Welcome to the forums!
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Antiguo September 15, 2012, 07:19 PM
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JPablo JPablo no está en línea
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I am not sure what phonetic alphabet to use to tell you how we say "taco" in Spain, but I believe your first "tah-koh" is the closest, as it is two syllables, with an open "a" (stressed) and a standard Spanish "o", unstressed...mmm... something like, tA-ko.

Not sure if this is very helpful... but probably "Forvo" has the recordings of that word... I'll check it.

Here is one link,
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Última edición por JPablo fecha: September 15, 2012 a las 07:21 PM Razón: Didn't see Rusty's answer, + add link
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Antiguo September 16, 2012, 07:42 AM
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Awaken Awaken no está en línea
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The second pronunciation makes me think of someone from Wisconsin trying to say taco.
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